Happy New Year

“I wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy 2025. If you have known me for a while, you know that I will always include the word STRONG in anything I do and say because I believe that we live better lives when we are stronger…”

“Take care of yourself, only you can do it for you. It doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t have to be optimal. Something is always better than nothing.” Read full newsletter

The Second Time Around With Cancer

“In April of this year, after a routine MRI check up, I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. My first diagnosis was 8 years ago. It was stage 2 and on the right breast…” 

“Fast-forward to this year: my doctors found cancer again on my left side. My best option was another mastectomy.” Read full newsletter


“It’s February – the perfect time to revisit New Year’s resolutions. Many of us like to start the year wanting to improve or add something to our lives. Big or small, these resolutions always start with an enthusiastic commitment. The first couple of weeks we are motivated and excited to start something new and meaningful, we make time and space for it. We are ready!!” Read full newsletter

Are You Afraid Of Muscles Blog Back Muscles

“There are some things in life that are non-negotiable, and working on your strength should be one of them if you want to live your life in good physical conditions. By ‘strength’ I mean lifting weights with the goal to build and maintain muscles. I am not talking about light weight-bearing exercises to look toned. I mean muscles as an essential and necessary component of our bodies. ” Read full newsletter

Balance Blog Pistol Squat

“Balance is one of the least appreciated physical skills we have and we take it for granted. We rarely devote time and energy to include in our training exercises designed to keep balance sharp and conditioned – we expect it to always function properly. In fact, when we move, walk, play sports – if we lose our balance we feel almost surprised, like Whoa!!? How did that happen!??…” Read full newsletter

Discipline vs. Motivation Blog Push Up

“I have been thinking a lot about discipline and motivation in regards to training – mine and of my students. Lately I have been hearing over and over how discipline is the guiding factor and the real force behind achieving our goals, and that motivation won’t do it – that we cannot rely on motivation on our fitness journeys, discipline is the queen…” Read full newsletter

Strengh Training Blog

“A strong body is better and healthier than a weak body – strength helps us everyday in everything we do. As we age, we absolutely need to keep our bodies strong. While it’s nice for aesthetics, it is essential for a good quality of life. When I first stepped foot into a gym 35 years ago in Florence, Italy, to rehab after a ski accident, I was the only girl in the gym. Fast forward to 2023, so many people now are working out – women, men, young, older – it’s such a beautiful thing to see..,” Read full newsletter

Mind-Body Connection Blog

“In this newsletter I would like to address the importance of engaging the mind when working out. While the benefits for the mind as a result of exercise are undoubtedly many, and are becoming more and more known as studies progress in this field, I’d like to talk about the benefits for the body when we train while keeping our mind engaged and focused on the movements we do…” Read full newsletter